Snug Harbor Farm |
Here in the city we can pretend it's summer for a few more weeks. But on Saturday, Carol from
Sofas and Sage and I headed up to Maine where fall was definitely in the air. Carol and I had such fun on our last outing to Cambridge Antiques Market, we made another play date. I wanted to show her my favorite Maine haunts so we headed up north.
We started at York Antiques where we were gabbing so much we forgot to take any photos. I think we were anticipating the requisite lobster roll.
We stopped at Withingtons. That place has some of the most magnificent antiques.
They also have really beautiful lamps which I assume they've made out of old architectural pieces.
Nita, this one's for you!
At Smith-Zukas Antiques, I was enamored with this hardware.
And check out this wooden hat form. I've never seen one like this before.
We buzzed up to Antiques USA in Arundel, Maine which had so many glass cases my eyes glazed over. While were there, I saw this guy that looked familiar. I thought, that looks like that guy that I've seen on TV. But it seemed so unlikely he'd be at an Antique Market in Maine, I totally discounted it.
As we were leaving, he was right in front of us. I looked at Carol and the look in her eyes said, isn't that that guy I've seen on TV? And my eyes said, "Oh, my god, do you think he's that guy too."
Now, I would have left it alone because the last time I saw a celebrity I made a fool of myself. I was in a hardware store in Cambridge when I heard an unmistakable voice ask "Can you tell me how to get to Walnut Street?" It was Julia Child!
I don't think I've ever my mentioned my love for Julia Child but it runs long and deep. I always dreamed of running in to her so I could debate the best method of making the perfect hollandaise and tell about time I made her cassoulet for Christmas and everyone thought it was "pork and beans." Oh, we would giggle about that. And here was my chance. I ran to the end of the aisle and met her face to face, eye to eye. We were the same height.
M-m-m-m-m-mrs. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ild, I l-l-l-l-l-l-love you. She smiled, said thank you and out of my life she walked. No hollandaise. No cassoulet. I had ruined what would be my only chance of being Julia's best friend.
Carol handled it much better.
It WAS that guy we had seen on TV. Steve Santagati, relationship expert, author of The MANual. He seemed pleasantly surprised that we recognized and graciously stood and talked to us for a bit. He was looking for a glass doorknob so I gave him directions to
Old House Parts. He asked our names, he shook our hands and off we went.
Let me just say, the dude is REALLY good looking. No one should be allowed to be that handsome.
On our way over to Snug Harbor Farm we drove past the Wedding Cake House in Kennebunk.
The autumn colors were in full bloom at Snug Harbor Farm.
And finally we stopped at Corey Daniels Gallery where I picked up a big stack of really old Chinese bowls.
They're all a little different and quite primitive. Each one has a ring of the glaze scraped out of the bottom leaving the the brown clay exposed. Does anyone know why? It's not a test; I don't know. I loved these because they feel like something you would dig up out of a shipwreck.
Anyone craving dumplings?
But this is a test. I also picked up a pair of these legs. Not the cat legs; the wooden ones. Is he a ham or what?
The inner set of legs rotate to make a stand. The upper part that's a different color has been added. I'll show next time some of my ideas for these.
Carol was a great partner in crime. She was much better behaved than me. She bought a vintage wallpaper seam roller for $1. I have a feeling we'll be up there again sometime.