Friday, June 14, 2013

A Day Trip

I played hookie again Wednesday and was lucky to catch a beautiful day
between all the rainy ones we've had this week. 

One of the greatest things about living in New England is you
can hop into your car and in two shakes of a lambs tail
you can be in city, country, mountains or ocean.
First-class museums, quaint antique shops or beautiful farms.

I headed the car north and ended up in Maine.  I'm sure it's no surprise.
Here are some of my favorite haunts:

I'm not sure this sea life in indigenous to Maine but
it sure looked great in a tray at Withington Antiques in York, Maine.

I love old portraits and it's hard to find really good ones.
Here's your great, great uncle Charles.  An instant heirloom.

From York, travel north on Route 1 and just north of Ogunquit, Maine is
R. Jorgensen Antiques.  Look at the stunning three-pear espaliers covering their building.
This shop is like a museum comprised of two large building filled with a nice mix of
formal and rustic antiques.  If you ever need a farm table, this is your place.

Paula Marshall, here's a plate for you.

This is one of the most amazing pieces I've ever seen...a 1785 Hepplewhite
 working chest.  The details on this were amazing.  The marquetry, the hand carved
ivory pulls, everything original and perfect.  And they chose a mahogany
Empire armoire as the perfect backdrop.
But bring your checkbook.  They don't take any credit cards!

I stopped by the Fisherman's Catch in Wells...

...for a quick lunch to go.

One of my favorite places is Smith-Zukas Antiques in Wells, Maine.
I often walk around an antique or salvage shop and find pieces of old things that
I'd like to turn into something else.  Proprietor Art Smith is backed up by a team of
artists and craftsman that turn your ideas in reality.
I love these column capitals.  Great end tables or bedside stands. 

Perhaps plaster ornaments from an old theater?

I fell in love with this brass nautical light fixture.   I'm not sure where this
will go right now but I couldn't leave it behind.

I also picked up a pair of nickel-plated Brasscrafter mirrors.  Just the perfect
size for my bathrooms!  They just need a little cleaning and they're a
perfect match for my Thomas O'Brien Bryant sconces.
And to find a perfect pair...I almost wish I had double sinks somewhere!

Just a few doors down from Smith-Zukas is Peggy Carboni Antiques.  Peggy's
shop wins the prize for "best look."  I could just move right in.
I want to do a collection of tiny "heads" in my downstairs bathroom and I thought
this was perfect thing to start my collection.  The entire thing is about three inches square.
 I first thought she was Madonna but now I'm not sure.  Do you know who she is? 
I love the frame and she appeals to my inner nun.
Continuing north on Route 1, I stopped at Corey Daniels Gallery but
I'll be doing an entire post on the gallery soon.  I love that place!
Continue north on Route 1 and turn right on Route 9.
I always need to get a little dose of country from Snug Harbor Farm.
They've incorporated part of the barn into their shop up by the road
and it just oozes charm.  It's another place I could just move right in to.

There's always lots to explore here from terracotta pots... ponies... peacocks showing off for their girlfriends... plants, topiaries and beautiful gardens.
I picked up some Goat's Beard for my garden.

The doves were being shy and wouldn't come out of their dovecote
so I had to visit them. 

Before heading back home, I thought I'd stop at Parson's Beach.
The rosa rugosa was in full bloom.  I would have expected them to have such a
powerful scent but en masse, the walk over the dune was pure heaven.

I love visiting the ocean.  It looks different every single time.  The low tide can
reveal all kinds of tempest-tossed treasures.  This days' high tide and gray skies
with distant showers left me feeling quite icy.  Perhaps it was my wet feet.
Visiting Maine for a day always feels like two days off.


  1. I would so love to have been on this adventure with you! Maine looks like an amazing beautiful place! Awesome photos as always :)

    1. Thank you, Karen. It's an easy subject. It's all so pretty.

  2. Thanks for the day trip...I certainly needed it! Love your new light fixture...can't wait to see where it ends favorite picture is of the doves..great job, looks like you had the perfect day :)

    1. The doves were funny. They seemed very interested in the fact that someone was outside.

  3. Beautiful photos, as always. Must be nice to live so close to water. We are totally landlocked in GA. Traveling to Boston and Nantucket in July. Any must eat restaurants you recommend?

    1. Let me give that some thought, Maureen. What part of town will you be in? Nantucket sounds like fun. I hate to admit I've never been there!

  4. Steve, I knew you were in Maine from that first photo. Seeing these pictures makes me so homesick I could cry! That portrait really could have been my "great-great-uncle Charles" if I'd had one - he looks a lot like my father (whose name, coincidentally, was Charles) except Dad had blue eyes. I'm saving this post to make sure I visit some of these places next time I'm back there.

  5. Wow - this looks like an amazing day of hookey. i want that painting of uncle charles. and those topiaries. i love the wilder look of them, versus the stuffy overtrimmed ones. and i would have died to have a bit of your lobsta roll :) i wanna go with you!!

  6. What a great day! You should write a travel guide--you always have the best recommendations. One day I will follow this route.

    I LOVE the nautical light fixture and the Madonna (?) Tiny heads is a cool idea. They will be fun to collect.

    The smell of those roses is magical.

  7. What a fun outing!!! Snug Harbor has the best topiaries. And the best myrtle ones!

  8. Such a lovely post! I adore Maine and while there a few weeks back for my nephews college graduation....there was not much time to shop. I am making note of these places and I do hope to get to visit them while I am there later this summer.

  9. Wonderful! I feel like I was there, thank you!

  10. Thank you for sharing your pictures with us! Antiques, mini horses, pretty white doves, the ocean? Heaven!

  11. Can't wait to see the ponies!!!

    1. I don't think the ponies were impressed with this tourist.

  12. You had me at inner nun. That got a burst of laughter from me :-) i love how true to your style you are. Great finds!

  13. Dayum you, Travelling Boy! If I travel that far I just get sun, sun, sun and more sun and a palm tree. I LOVE NE. I do.

  14. Oh my! This sounds like THE perfect day trip to me. Jorgensen's is my most favorite antique shop -- like a museum with free admission. I will never forget a gorgeous William & Mary chest we saw there, it's our "one that got away."

    1. It is like a museum! And they're alway so happy to educate.

  15. I think......that I might hate you.

    1. I know you mean that in a good way!

    2. yes, in a small, petty, eaten up with envy, good way.

  16. Loved this post. I lived in Portland and now live in the West. Seeing this makes me miss it so much, but in a good way! Thanks!

  17. Oh my every picture was so beautiful! I'm jealous of your day. We do have to make the most of the sunny day when we have them! I'm sure Art was glad to see you. Amazing things you got! Can't wait to see them in your home.

  18. What they said...including the envy.

    I love the painting and am so glad you got it.

    Once I had a bathroom, painted a dull gold, with a tiny chandelier, filled with religious art.

    I know I'm going to love your "tiny heads".

    xo jane

  19. I love Maine! I am a bit envious and now I am really thinking that I must get in touch with my "inner nun". I love really old portraits. Looks like the perfect day.

  20. A real treat Steve, I feel like I have gotten away for the day!

    Art by Karena

  21. Yes, a perfect day trip. Great shots! Glad you are taking a little down time. Terri xo

  22. I'm sure you know the state motto "Maine, the way life should be" - and it is! We're in OOB for the weekend!

    Loved your tour, and will be popping into some of your recommended haunts!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  23. What a great day trip you had! Thanks for the peek at some of the treasures offered in those beautiful antiques shops. I like the purchases you made, and look forward to seeing them in your home! I'd like to take a trip to Maine one day. My husband would love it there. Having grown up partly in upstate NY, my folks and I took vacations in Vermont and New Hampshire. I love that part of the country.

  24. Maine. One of my favorite places on earth. Esp the shore. I live in CT so I have had the opp to day trip it to Ogunquit. Time for a return trip.

  25. Great find on the brass lamp! Parsons beach looks like a place I would like.

  26. Lovely...every photo a treasure and an inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing. Best regards, Ruth

  27. Your posts are always beautiful in every sense. Glad the focus was on Maine. Ayup.

  28. You HIT EVERY button!! Columns, and orbs, and urns...oh, my!! Off to daydream. franki

  29. Oh, keep playing hookie, I loved coming along for the ride! But with such a lot on offer it could have been a very expensive outing. You live in a wonderful part of the world, Steve.

  30. I would die to take a trip like that! My perfect day, beach, shopping, lobster rolls! Yum- can't get past that right now.
    Love your mirrors.
    xo Nancy

  31. Steve as always your photos are amazing. You must go back and buy the statue head in the reflection of your new mirrors. As you age you can use him as your new google image... wait would he pass your the opinion of your "inner nun". I'm afraid not.

  32. I want to go to Maine! I just saw a photo on Pinterest and knew it was yours! That one with the topiaries....amazing! What a great trip...all in a day no less?!

  33. Sounds like you covered all the bases of a successful day trip! The ocean, the lobster, antiquing. Gotta love Maine.

  34. What an awesome house you have! Just found your blog, but I think it will be fun!
