Thursday, November 22, 2012

Do You Hear What I Hear?

It might seem I'm pushing the season with the title of a Christmas song, but thanks to the fine doctors at Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary, it's most appropriate.  I'm hopefully on the right track; I'm hearing again and feeling well enough to throw together Thanksgiving dinner for four.
A few corners may be cut but no one will notice.

I have tons to be thankful for today including all of you, my friends around the world,
who are kind enough to check in regularly and see what I'm up to.

Even if you're not celebrating Thanksgiving today, I hope you have great day!


  1. You have alot to celebraate. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Steve, hear hear!

  3. Ears to you, Steve!!!

  4. What a beautiful photo! Love the little bit of color and the lighting is magnificent! Your brown transferware was made for this day! Have a beautiful day!

  5. so glad you are on the mend. happy thanksgiving to you too my friend. enjoy your day and your brown transferware! xoxo janet

  6. I'm so happy that you are feeling better!
    I am thankful for so much and my blogger friends are high on my list.
    All I hear right now is soft dog snoring and Black Friday commercials on TV. Later I will have Thanksgiving at my sister's home. I will hear all sorts of things over there. :/

  7. Who cares about cut corners when the table is so lovely....have a wonderful thanksgiving!

  8. Now that is thankful . . . I am thrilled to HEAR your good news.
    Enjoy the day with four.
    Happy Thansgiving
    Love, Lynne

  9. Happy Hearing! Glad you are on the mend. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

  10. What a beautiful photo! Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. Hi dear Steve, I am so glad you are on the mend. Was rather worried after your email. Sorry i did not email you back yet but have thought of you many times and how wretched you must be feeling. Glad you have joined the land of the living. Have a lovely Thanksgiving and do share photos. I love those brown and white plates. Xo

  12. Mass Eye and Ear are really great! They helped my uncle and his son a while ago too!!

  13. So glad to read that you're feeling better and will be enjoying the holiday! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Steve! And thank you for being a loyal follower of my blog. I appreciate it greatly.

  14. So glad you are feeling better. What a pretty table. I love your brown transfer ware with the crisp white and red.
    Hope you have a lovely day.

  15. Any song title or lyric is right up my alley. At the holidays I like to look out in the front of the shop and with an arched eyebrow or two ask my coworkers "Do you see what I see"?

    Love and many wishes for a delish meal and fun with friends and or family.

    xoxo your snarky friend J.

  16. Glad you are feeling better. Your table islovely, and no doubt your dinner will be top notch. Take care.

  17. Glad you hear you're better. Your table is beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. yes, i do hear what you hear and those bells are getting louder and more frantic (christmas retail)

    but glad you are hearing steve!

    have a great i am grateful for you and your blog

  19. Recovery from illness is something to be very grateful for...Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. So glad to hear you are on the mend. We sure do have a lot to give thanks for! Love your brown transfer ware- we have matching sets! I love to use it in the fall.

  21. I'm glad to hear that you are getting better. Rest as much as you can and get stronger.

  22. We are grateful for YOU Mr. Mega Talented Steve. (Has Martha tried to recruit you yet?).

    Trotting the streets of beautiful Stockholm. Not a pumpkin pie in sight...

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    ox Mon

  23. hoping for your blessings to be multiplied!

  24. I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better. I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    All the best...Victoria

  25. Very happy to hear you are feeling better. I enjoy your blog and your time to do it. Thank you.

  26. Am guided here via Erin at 'The Bright Owl' and am very impressed! Have only spent a few minutes here and really like what I've seen - great pics! and that dip sounds delish! Happy Thanksgiving, greetings from Australia. :)

  27. So glad to hear you're on the mend. Hope your Thanksgiving was enjoyable and tasty!

  28. What a great shot of the table. Im so sorry you were suffering so much. I had no idea. :( I am so grateful, on this day of thanks, for having come to know you. I'm better for it. Stay well

  29. What a great shot of the table. Im so sorry you were suffering so much. I had no idea. :( I am so grateful, on this day of thanks, for having come to know you. I'm better for it. Stay well

  30. I'm sure your dinner guests are grateful they know such a stylish and generous host! So sorry you are feeling unwell and had not realised you were ill. May Christmas see you greatly improved in health and hearing.

  31. Mass Eye & Ear is a wonderful place . . . Oh the things they can do there!

    I'm happy you're feeling better too! Love your dishes! Hope you had a lovely day! We had an insane & fun day with 22 of 24 immediate family members!

  32. Hope your dinner went well and that you are feeling 100% better ASAP

  33. Thankful you are feeling better. Lots of holiday music to better appreciate now!

  34. Found your blog thru the bright owl, will be back often!

  35. Yes! Had a great one!

    can you hear me now?

    how bout now??


  36. Steve - I'm glad you are feeling better. Hope your Thanksgiving was warm and wonderful! Love all your transferware.
    Take care,

  37. Glad you are feeling better and hope you can enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner. When the Christmas spirit comes upon you, don't forget to watch The Bishop's Wife.

  38. New follower and rss subscriber here - unsure of what the situation is but I'm thankful for your good report! Sounds like your Thanksgiving was enjoyed...

  39. Glad you are feeling better, Steve. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner. Your table looks divine!

  40. i am new to your blog, so i'm not sure about your hearing issue, but i am glad that you are hearing better! and i'm sure your thanksgiving guests were blessed to spend time with you and did not notice any 'cut corners'. happy thanksgiving! and a blessed Christmas is on its way!

  41. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Steve. Glad you are on the mend.

  42. So happy you are on the mend. Ear infections are so painful. I never knew quite what my children went through until I had an ear infection two summers ago. Horribly painful. I love your dishes. So stylish! Hope your dinner came out great!

  43. Dear Steve, so sorry to learn of your ear infection but relieved all at the same time to know you are on the mend and could enjoy/even host Thanksgiving dinner. Being together with others you love to share the feast, big or small, is all that matters. Onward to Christmas planning . . . Linda
